Is BodaBoda Industry “dumping” the young generation?

Ochung' J
2 min readJan 11, 2021
A Form Four Student carrying Kindergerten Kids to school?

I grew up from a humble village by the Lakeside, and in my teenage days, fishing was the main economic activity although “cursed”. Most school dropouts were associated with fishing forget about early adolescent pregnancies, poverty, and unruliness. Families benefited from the young lads’ overnight work, and each day lived independently. Currently, overfishing and poor techniques have exhausted Lake Victoria waters, and the industry is unprofitable. Technologically advanced fishers have adopted fish cages for farming. The formerly employed youths must now find new sources of income and hence the bodaboda business.

I spent the December holidays upcountry and unbelievably, the young boys seemed to value “Bajaj 100” spin than school. I mean it is COVID-19 period, and schools are closed? Maybe the schools should open because these young boys have spread the virus through this trade than they would have done at school. You would imagine a Form three or four student excited about their studies awaiting the KCSE test, but these boys bravely asked me to invest in at least two or so Bajajs. I realized that this industry is limiting our village’s future, and its time something must be done.

Surprisingly, the parents preferred employment in the bodaboda industry reminiscent of the fishing days. Umeleta sukari? has become more prominent than unasoma nini leo? and so the kids have become used to the daily spin.

Maybe it is the frustration of unemployment, the rush for instant cash, persistent poverty amongst my people, poor leadership or a cry for help. While the trend is worrying, more troubling are the ripple effects from the activity, including unexpected pregnancies resulting from this industry. The young boys have become breadwinners for their families, including teenage girls, immature relationships?

What do you think? Maybe it is time we speak up? Forget the wheelbarrow or BBI. Our time is now!

